The Beauty of Tooth-Coloured Fillings


Tooth-colored fillings

Tooth-colored fillings are usually the first line of protection against tooth decay or a harmed tooth. At Smile Design Dental Clinic, Mumbai, we offer this adaptable treatment as tooth-colored restoration to fix the teeth problem and leave your smile looking beautiful.

Tooth-colored fillings are dental restorations that repair and restore a damaged tooth. Before heading to the treatment, your dentist will first consider the nature and extent of the damage. He will remove and clean all degraded portions of the tooth before filling it up with the selected material.

tooth-colored fillings

The filling should protect the entire cavity stopping bacteria from entering and contaminating the tooth. The choice and color of the tooth filling depend on which type of filling you choose.

Steps of tooth-coloured fillings

Your dentist will use an anaesthetic to dampen the area around the tooth to be filled.
Next, a drill or laser will be used to extract the decayed area. Later he will probe the area to see if all the decay has been removed.

Once the decay has been removed, the dentist will make space for the filling by cleaning the cavity of bacteria and debris.
After the filling is in, the dentist will finalize and burnish it.

Types of tooth-coloured fillings

Teeth can be filled with gold, porcelain, silver amalgam, or tooth-colored plastic, and materials known as composite resin fillings.
The location and extent of the decay, price of filling material, and your dentist’s advice assist in determining the type of filling suitable for you.

Composite fillings

Usually, for small or medium-sized cavities, a composite filling keeps as much of the natural tooth as possible and is tinted to look like the rest of your tooth enamel.
It is a mixture of glass and plastic which has a similar color as the natural tooth.

Advantages of composites


The shade of the composite fillings is closely matched to the color of existing teeth. Composites are well suited for use in front teeth or visible parts of teeth.


Composite fillings can also be used to repair chipped, damaged, or worn teeth.

Disadvantages of composites

Lacks durability

Composite fillings wear out sooner and are not useful for large cavities.
Relying on location, composite materials can chip off the tooth.


It is a mix of mercury, zinc, copper, tin, and silver. Mercury takes the highest percentage of about 50% of the total composition.

Advantages of silver fillings


They last at least 10 to 15 years and usually survive composite.

Less expensive

They are less expensive than composite fillings.

Disadvantages of silver fillings

Poor appearance

They don’t match the color of natural teeth.


They can create a grayish color to the surrounding tooth structure.

Advantages of tooth-colored fillings

When you have tooth decay, the issue needs to be repaired as soon as possible to prevent further complications from developing. The tooth-colored filling has many benefits.


Tooth-colored fillings are integrated to match the color of your existing tooth enamel. They have stained the unique white of your teeth, which means they mix into your smile and are hidden.

Prevents future problems

A tooth-colored filling does not compromise a tooth’s form and reworks on an existing oral health problem while making a tooth more strong. It minimizes the chances of other issues forming later.


You can trust that your tooth-colored filling will last for a very long time. With good oral hygiene and regular visits to your dentist, your filling can last for a longer duration.

Problems with tooth-colored fillings

Tooth pain and sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity following the placement of a filling is common. A tooth may be exposed to pressure, air, sweet foods, or temperature. Usually, the sensitivity resolves within a few weeks. Pain relievers are generally not required.

Deteriorating fillings

Continuous pressure from chewing, biting, or clenching can cause dental fillings to wear away, flake, or crack according to this expert dentist in Saratoga Springs. Although you may not be able to tell that a filling is wearing down. Your dentist can determine weaknesses in them during a routine check-up.

If you want tooth-color treatment to be done to your tooth, you can visit Smile Design Dental Clinic in Mumbai. They have experienced dentists, and they specialize in tooth-colored restorations. Visit the clinic and dentists will guide you toward the best treatment.

Tooth-colored fillings using porcelain or composite resin can transform your smile and boost your self-confidence.


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