10 Reasons for Your Carpet to Appear Dirty Post Cleaning


What is the frequency of cleaning your carpet? Once a year is the most usual answer of almost every household.

By trusting the professional carpet cleaner you will expect the carpet to look like new. Instead, most complain that their carpets start appearing dirtier after professional cleaning.

professional carpet cleaner

This never means that professional cleaning companies have given false commitments. In fact, there are several reasons behind dirtying of the carpet even after professional cleaning. Here in this blog, we will try to find out 10 such reasons. Let’s check it out.

1. Not vacuuming before steam cleaning

Steam cleaning has its own set of steps. Not following this can end up dirtying your carpet much before. You need to start with vacuuming so that it collects the loose soil and dirt from the carpet. Vacuuming is important before steam cleaning. Otherwise, you will soon see to get the carpet dirty again after cleaning. It can start appearing dirty again after drying up.

2. Using cleaning solution during steam cleaning

Every cleaning solution is different. Some can and can’t remove the oil and grime from the surface of the carpet. Try to get such a one which is capable of removing oil. Or else, the oil will remain on the carpet making it looks dirtier than ever right after cleaning.

3. Not spraying detergent before cleaning

Many carpet cleaners use detergent in a cleaning solution while some don’t. As per the golden rule, combining cleaning solution with detergent leaves much soap residue behind after cleaning. Soon, it begins to attract dust depositing them into the piles.

So, cleaners should spray the detergents prior to cleaning as it is easier to pick them up at the time of cleaning. Also, it provides enough time for the detergent to dissolve prior cleaning process begins.

4. Not rinsing

Every sort of carpet cleaning deems for good rinsing once the job is over. Otherwise, it becomes sticky starting to accumulate dirt soon after.

5. Using excessive water

No doubt water is necessary for cleaning the carpet. But, excessive use of water can sink down the carpet to its jute back. As a result, you will find a disappearance of colour on the carpet. Also, it makes the carpet really hard to dry on completion of cleaning.

6. Mistreating the carpet

During your daily routine, you are the one who messes your carpet. For instance, walking over the carpet with having shoes on can track the outside dirt and soil. They settle down on the carpet. So, the golden thumb rule is to put them outside to prevent your carpet from being untimely dirty.

7. Carpet nature

Every carpet differs in nature. The manufacturing style is also different for commercial carpets than that of residential carpets. The former comprises olefin fibres and low-level loops for giving a tight construction.

Generic name of synthetic fibre polypropylene, olefin possesses special characteristics which you will not find in other fibres. It is highly prone to soiling. Even the durability of this fibre is not high in contrast to others. It can easily hold on to soil under the loops. After trapping, it is tough to wash away.

The issue becomes bigger with a frequent vacuum. It is able to capture large soil particles leaving the tinier ones behind. Soon, they accumulate more dirt degrading the looks of the carpet. Even after professional cleaning, some soil remains in the fibres; which is why they can appear dirty post-cleaning.

8. Reappearing stains

Often people spill food and drink over the carpet. But you need to treat it right away. Otherwise, it can reappear anytime. It can happen because of 2 reasons- wicking and soiling.

Soiling occurs when there is residue on the fibres of the carpet after cleaning. In case you don’t blot and rinse the residue then it becomes sticky starting attracting soil and dirt. Soon, it seems like the reappearance of the original stain.

Wicking happens if spilt components absorb by the underpad or backing of the carpet. If you neglect the underpad or backing at the time of cleaning the carpet surface to remove spills it can occur. Actually, leaving behind the residue in the underpad will result in it.

It is common when you wet the carpet using steam or hot water to extract dirt. It leaves some amount of water behind due to the lack of power of the machine to collect the water from the fibres of the carpet.

9. Protective coating erosion

Carpets come with a protective coating which protects them from spills and dirt penetrating deep into the fibres. That’s why you are able to wipe off them easily using a damp cloth. Due to high traffic, it erodes over time which can have an adverse effect on the carpet later.

10. Carpet cleaning by DIYers

Sometimes, you tempt to do certain work by yourself and carpet cleaning is one of them. For DIY cleaning, you need a carpet cleaning machine. Also, there is a trick to choosing the right one. Some are for lightly soiled ones whereas some only deal with certain fibres and carpet styles.

Many machines use plenty of water than professional machines. Some have less suction and power which is why they are unable to wipe away cleanser and water completely.

How do prevent the carpet from dirt and stains?

You can address almost all problems with spot cleaning, proper maintenance, and the help of a professional carpet cleaner. They have the right equipment and product to clean the carpet frequently. Don’t wear shoes inside to keep the carpet pristine as it will not track the outdoor dirt. Also, you should vacuum the carpet daily as it removes the accumulated dirt and dust from accumulating in the fibers.

If anything spills on the carpet such as drink or food then spot the area right away without any delay. Before attempting any DIY cleaning perform extensive research. In case you are an expert in dealing with emergencies you can keep the problems at bay.

However, you should hire a professional to revamp its look. Also, when choosing a professional carpet cleaning company, you must look as per your need and preference.



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