Five Small Calibre Rifles For Deer And Predator Hunting


Big game hunting is what every hunter hopes to do at least once in a lifetime. Whether you’re a novice hunter or a seasoned pro, selecting the appropriate calibre and rifle for hunting deer is critical. Although calibre selection differs from person to person, if you choose the appropriate one, there will be little opportunity for error.

Nowadays, the number of big game challengers are increasing day by day. Even the shooting beginners look keen to take down the deer-sized game. Hunters, practising with smaller calibres, are doing good in the woods. Many among us would be underestimating the capability of lighter calibres, but in reality, smaller calibres generate enough power and speed to take down a whitetail or similar game.

small rifle primers

Considering this, we have compiled a list of five small-calibre rifles that have enough to shoot down small and mid-size games.

1-TC Venture Predator

This reasonably priced small calibre rifle is designed for smoot-shooting. While combining its cartridge with small rifle primers generates more than enough punch to seal predators of any size. Coupled with a 22-inch barrel with 5R rifling, this gun works best with a three-round magazine. TC’s MOA accuracy guarantee is the highlight of this rifle. Those who are familiar with lighter calibre can opt for .204 RUG and .22-250 REM. For a bigger calibre, it also comes in .308 Winchester.

2- TC Encore Pro Hunter Predator

This amazing model offered by TC is listed as one of the finest single-shot rifles available in armouries. Though it is a bit more expensive than TC’s venture rifle, the price seems worth it considering its additional features. Geared with a telescope, this rifle includes a fluted barrel with a match-grade crown. Out-of-the-box features of this small rifle are break-open action and a swing hammer. This gun is available in different calibres, including .204 RUG, .22-250 Remington and .308 Winchester.

3- Savage Arms 10/110 Predator Hunter

Savage Arms make this delicately designed light calibre rifle, and perhaps it is the most solid weapon in small calibre created by the company. It is a solid bolt-action gun that comes with a 22 to 24-inch barrel length and has a total weight of 8.5 pounds. With its detachable magazine, it offers a four-round shooting capacity. This solid built-action rifle comes with an AccuTrigger and is known for its AccuStock. Therefore, it is the favourite choice of many shooting professionals, sportsmen and hunters in a small calibre range.

4- Remington R15 VTR Predator Rifle

AR-style rifles are gaining increasing popularity for deer hunting, and if you are looking for an AR-style rifle in armoury stores, then Remington R5 VTR rifles are the aptest choice. This small calibre gun comes with a five-round magazine and is excellent at accuracy and quicker follow-ups. With a weight of around 7.75 pounds, the R5 VTR rifle has 22 inches of barrel length and comes with a pistol grip and fixed stocks.

5- Remington R15 VTR SS Varmint

Those who prefer toughness and solidity along with design and comfort should opt for Remington R15 VTR SS Varmint. It is similar to R15 VTR Predator Rifles but has additional features and qualities. Like, the barrel length has been increased by 2 inches, and now it is 24 inches, and it helps with cooling. Apart from that, this performance optimised rifle comes with a clean break and single-stage hunting trigger that makes it a destructive weapon for deer or predator hunting.

Bottom Line

Those mentioned above five small calibre rifles come with the predator hunting package, but they are suitable for deer hunting or similar-sized games. If you have purchased one for predator hunting, you need not have a separate one for deer hunting. Moreover, always follow the state regulations on calibre for deer hunting. The Calibre range for deer hunting varies from state to state, and even some states do not allow large calibre for deer hunting. So, you are required to keep state regulations in mind while purchasing a rifle for deer hunting.


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