Phyllis Schlafly The Attractive Women


The conservative movement in the U.S. got more power because Phyllis Schlafly stopped the Equal Rights Amendment from becoming law.

How Did Phyllis Schlafly Live?

People say that conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly changed people’s minds and kept the Equal Rights Amendment from being added to the U.S. Constitution. During the fight to pass the ERA, Schlafly said that the amendment would hurt stay-at-home moms, force women into the military, make it easier to get an abortion, and lead to same-sex marriage being legalised. After the ERA didn’t pass, Schlafly stayed a well-known conservative who spoke out against sex education, abortion, and other things.

phyllis schlafly

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What Did Phyllis Do When He Was Young?

Schlafly was born Phyllis McAlpin Stewart on August 15, 1924, in St. Louis, Missouri, to John Bruce Stewart and Odile Dodge Stewart. During the Great Depression, Schlafly’s father lost his job. Even though Schlafly’s father sometimes worked, it was his mother who took care of him and his younger sister. Odile worked in a department store as a clerk, a teacher, and as a librarian. But the family’s money problems didn’t turn them into Democrats or New Deal fans.

How Much Do You Know About His Schooling?

Schlafly went to high school at the Academy of the Sacred Heart. After that, he got a scholarship to go to college at Maryville College. But she soon decided to switch to Washington University, where the classes were harder. Schlafly was in school during World War II, so he could pay for college by testing ammunition at night. After Phyllis Schlafly graduated from high school in 1944, she went to Radcliffe College and got a master’s degree in government.

What Article Did Schlafly Write?

While Schlafly was working in St. Louis in 1949, she wrote an article for a bank’s newsletter. Attorney John Fred Schlafly Jr. liked the piece so much that he went to meet the person who had written it. After he got over being surprised that it has written by a woman, he quickly fell in love and were married on 20 October 1949.

Why did Schlafly Husband Refuse To Go to Law School?

Schlafly went to Washington University and got a law degree in 1978. At first, her husband did not like the idea, so she had to take her application back. Once he agreed, though, Schlafly was able to take this course. He thought that if she knew the law, it would help her fight against the ERA.

Why Does Schlafly Want to Stop the ERA Campaign?

One of Schlafly’s friends asked her to talk about the Equal Rights Amendment. This was a proposed change to the Constitution that would have made it illegal to treat people differently because of their gender. Up until this point, Schlafly, a conservative, was more worried about the threat of Communism. After doing some research, however, she decided to fight against the ERA. In 1972, she started a group called Stop ERA, which stood for “Stop Taking Our Privileges.” Its goal was to stop the amendment from being ratified.

The Equal Rights Act:

Schlafly called the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) “an attack on the wife and homemaker” because it would force women to join the military and stop them from getting alimony. She also said that the ERA would lead to equal rights for gay people and bathrooms for both men and women. She also said that the government would pay for the removal of foetuses. Schlafly could have used the anger of housewives who thought their choices were being put down and of strict preservationists who didn’t want changes to the way families usually work. Many of the people who worked with Schlafly were also against Roe v. Wade, which legalised abortion and was decided by the Supreme Court in 1973.

Why is the National Women Conference Being Held?

In November 1977, a national conference for women was held in Houston. People spoke out in favour of the ERA and also talked about other things, like giving gay people the same rights as straight people and getting rid of nuclear weapons. Schlafly also set up a different rally called “Pro-Life, Pro-Family” at the same time. At least 15,000 people went to the event at Houston’s Astro Arena. People thought that the size of this group was a turning point in Schlafly’s fight against the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). Indiana was the 35th state to ratify the amendment in January 1977. After Indiana, no other state did so.

Which Bill Does Congress Pass?

Congress passed a bill that changed the deadline for ratification from March 22, 1979, to June 30, 1982, but the ERA still didn’t get the required number of state ratifications by the second deadline. In fact, the legislatures of five states voted to undo what they had already done (though the legality of these rescissions was unclear). Schlafly celebrated her win with a party at a hotel in Washington, D.C., and said that the ERA was “dead for good in this century”

Who Starts the Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation?

In 1958, Schlafly and her husband started a Catholic anti-Communist group called the Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation. The group was named after a Hungarian priest who was persecuted by his country’s Communist government. She agreed with nuclear testing and said, “The atomic bomb is a great gift from a wise God to our country.” Schlafly was also mean to politicians, including Republicans, who she thought was weak on national defence.

Why did Phyllis Start Newsletter?

In 1967, she started a newsletter called “The Phyllis Schlafly Report” for people who wanted to know about her conservative views. Schlafly’s group, Stop ERA, became the Eagle Forum in 1975. This group kept working for conservative causes even after the ERA failed. Schlafly also spoke out on TV, in newspaper columns, and on the radio against abortion, sex education, gay rights, pornography, and immigration reform.

Why is it Called The Republican National Convention?

Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan, two conservative Republicans, were the ones that Phyllis Schlafly voted for. People think that Schlafly’s opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) and loud support for conservative causes helped Reagan win the presidency in 1980.

How Many Times Did Schlafly Try To Get Into Congress?

Schlafly ran for Congress three times, in 1952, 1960, and 1970, but he lost each time. Reagan wrote in his diary that Schlafly was “darn effective” at politics, but the only job he gave her was on the Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution.

Why Did People All Over The Country Know About Schlafly?

Schlafly spoke out loudly in favour of the idea that women should focus on being wives and mothers. But work was done differently in her house. Schlafly often had to leave her house to lead the Stop ERA campaign and work on other conservative causes. At home, having a full-time housekeeper made things easier for her.

How are Public and Private Lives Different?

Feminists thought that what Schlafly said in public and what she did in private were two different things. Schlafly said that she had stayed home with her six kids, breastfed them for six months, and taught them at home until they were seven years old.

What Does “Sleepy Hobby” Mean?

Schlafly also said that her political work was a “hobby” that she only did with her husband’s permission. She started many speeches with, “I want to thank my husband Fred for letting me come here.” She did this because, in her words, “it irritates women’s rights activists more than anything else.” In a 1978 interview, she said, “When I fill out forms, my job is “Mother.”

Why Does Schlafly Want to Make Things Better for Women?

Schlafly said that the title “Ms.” made her sad to show that she did not agree with the women’s rights movement of the 1960s and 1970s. She also said that men’s inventions, like disposable diapers and frozen foods, had done a lot more to make women’s lives better.


In 1964, Schlafly wrote A Choice Not An Echo, which was an argument against the elites she thought were running the Republican Party nomination process. Three million copies of the book that the author put out on his own were sold. At the 1964 Republican convention, many delegates said they had read this book and that it had made them think. This helped Senator Goldwater win the nomination for president from the Republican Party that year (he went on to lose the election to President Lyndon B. Johnson).

How Many Books Has Schlafly Written?

In books like The Power of the Positive Woman, which came out in 1977, Schlafly wrote about national defence and criticised feminism. The Eagle Forum said that Schlafly had written or helped write 27 books, including The Conservative Case for Trump, which came out in 2016.

Who is Schlafly Husband?

Schlafly lived in Alton, Illinois, a suburb of St. Louis with her husband, Fred. Fred died in 1993, putting an end to the marriage.

What is the Death Place?

Schlafly died on September 5, 2016, at her home in Ladue, Missouri. She was 92 years old.


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