Automating the Process of Securing Cloud Data Can Help Companies


In 2022, my team’s focus will be on automating data. Security is an important concern for financial institutions, so we plan to pursue this area in the new year.

Automating the Process of Securing Cloud Data Can Help Companies

To target security, how should data automation be used?

As new threats and attack vectors constantly emerge, companies must be able to respond to security vulnerabilities and issues in real-time – within seconds or minutes. Cloud-based risk management and mitigation are always under critique, but the threat vectors change constantly. By reducing the risk, the level of attacks decreases, which in turn produces explosive radiation, which in turn helps reduce the cost-effectiveness in the event of a breach.

The customers of ExtNoc Cloud Services are constantly focusing on reducing the likelihood of mismanagement in cloud services, such as those from Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Azure, which have the greatest explosion radiation. The security team must ensure that there are no cloud or container misconceptions that vital resources can be accessed by anyone to reduce the risk of cloud leaks exposing sensitive company property data or personally identifiable information (PII). Go. Capital One’s misconfigured firewall enabled a former AWS employee to use a tactic called increasing privileges, which gave access to one of their S3 buckets. Information about customers. An incorrectly configured cloud can cause significant problems.

To reduce the likelihood of cloud errors and avoid costly consequences, highly regulated organizations should implement automation. Capital One, for instance, has recently entered into a consent form with the Office of Currency Control (OCC) and paid 8080 million in fines. Especially in today’s climate, where many companies are rapidly shifting to the public cloud for its speed and agility, and support business continuity while keeping employees largely at home. It makes sense.

By using advanced automation tools, companies get instant notifications of policy violations and misstatements in the cloud. And they can easily set up a human-centric workflow. Identifies problems and addresses them. Problems. Data misuse or disclosure is not only detected by automation but also results in a rapid response.

In particular, automated therapies can redesign cloud services, update cloud infrastructure, run human-centric workflows that integrate with existing systems, and manage workflows across multiple systems. This needs to be done. Automatic treatment enables companies to focus on the most important issues, while also ensuring that common issues are addressed and efficiently reorganized so that data is stored efficiently and consistently, and that incorrect configurations do not lead to data leaks. New Options.

How did data automation affect the result?

Through automation, companies have become cloud enablers by providing a platform that secures cloud data.

One such company, for example, used ExterNetworks Cloud Services to increase its cloud operations securely. Earlier, the company had moved to the cloud without our automated platform. They were concerned about data leakage after old customer-sensitive workloads were moved to the cloud. Because data breaches caused by erroneous cloud structures will cost companies $5 trillion in 2018 and 2019, it is a legitimate concern.

ExtNoc, on the other hand, enabled the company to accelerate and work more efficiently in the cloud using automation. Additionally, by investing in security tools, their executive leadership has been able to run sensitive data in the cloud, which has led to widespread acceptance of the cloud within the organization. To ensure proper and consistent security implementation and compliance, automated cloud security strategies are essential.

The cloud is a more effective way to deliver workloads than traditional data centers and provides companies with the agility to operate in today’s digital landscape. Cloud computing can be a costly mistake when configured incorrectly. Clouds themselves do not cause the damage; the incorrect configuration does.

For this reason, companies should use automated security tools to ensure proper configuration, securely accelerate their cloud operations, and take full advantage of the cloud.

How has automation improved security for your customer?

By automating the first IT steps of the cloud development life cycle, you can improve the performance of your cloud, make it safer, and reduce the likelihood of human error. Companies that can move east and actively automate before providing cloud security and coordination can ensure that the cloud is configured according to best practices. To improve accommodating human constraints as well as accommodating major cloud service providers, security automation should be implemented according to the least common approach.

Furthermore, with the high rate of change in the cloud, automated preventive and reactive controls allow for updates to occur in the cloud environment at the activated speed. By automating day-to-day operations and organizing all cloud operations, security teams can achieve both security and speed simultaneously. Organizations can use automation to divert human resources to high-level thinking projects, such as compliance audits.

Especially in a fragmented, heterogeneous cloud environment, it is important to improve an organization’s cloud performance. Nowadays, most companies use at least two public cloud service providers, so automation plays an important role in providing a single workflow allowing them to seamlessly increase their cloud footprint regardless of which service provider they use. Configuring two clouds in two different ways is a troublesome process to avoid when there are two clouds.

Before inheriting a new public cloud service provider, a company may only merge and purchase transactions. Due to this, their automation strategies should not rely on the native tools of one cloud provider. Third-party automation tools can be used not only to make changes and improvements but also to solve the problem of multiple cloud partitions.

How difficult was it to deploy automation?

To establish trust, the first step is to seek it. Automation tools must be trusted to take corrective action on non-compliant features and not to trigger false positives. Providing clear evidence of accuracy is crucial to establishing trust as a supplier. A custom report and scorecard can be used to show auditors and stakeholders that any misconfigurations that were automatically identified were not erroneous. To win over executives, the veracity of automation results must be accurate.

As each business unit often runs its cloud footprint, establishing buy-in from every business unit of a large enterprise is challenging. When implementing one automation tool across different business units, it can be challenging to manage multiple cloud permissions. It is difficult to gain the buy-in and trust of multiple executives within the company. A successful automation program in one business unit can be used to develop an expansion strategy for other business units, thus overcoming the challenge of network provisioning.

Thirdly, there is the issue of scale. In the absence of stale and outdated data, a company cannot automate cloud security. A business can identify cloud risks quickly and correct misconfigurations in seconds using an event-driven approach that identifies risk and triggers remediation. ExterNetworks, for example, offers rapid change detection, enabling real-time automated remediation, using this approach. False positives are the single biggest threat to automation, and avoiding stale data is crucial.


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