Effective Tips that will Skyrocket your Performance in Exams


There are countless free resources for preparing for the exam. It is easy to get lost in this flow of information.

If a high school student wants to prepare on his own, then he needs to check all the sources. “A student should study sequentially and practice the questions after finishing every topic.

If you are an aspirant and preparing for exams, then this article is meant for you.


Here we are going to share some effective tips that are useful in scoring good marks. All the tips are suggested by a report presented in skcollege.

Allocate time wisely

Preparation should begin as early as the tenth grade so that the student can draw up a clear plan and thus understand how much time it will take to study all topics.

After that, they must be divided into blocks and calculated how many weeks can be devoted to each.

This system works for any subject. It is important not to think about the results of the preparation in the first month, as it is needed in order to learn to sit down and make time.

For example, if mathematics scares you, then you can start with biology.

Start light

The standard mistake in preparing for the exam is to take on the most difficult task. It’s demotivating. It is better to do small blocks daily and take time to repeat.

Sometimes you can arrange an intensive schedule, but you should always start with a minimum.

For example, if during the year a student plans to prepare for half an hour, then you can start with 15 minutes, and then increase the time to 35–40 minutes.

In addition, preparation should begin with the textbooks of previous classes. The fact is that the student will quickly understand them and remember the material because he is already familiar with it.

Understanding the concepts and the habit of preparing yourself is the secret to success.

In addition to school textbooks, you can find many useful materials on the Internet to expand your knowledge base.

Prepare Step-By-Step

You should not aim at scoring maximum at once. It is important to set different difficulty levels.

When a student gradually clears all levels, it helps in building up confidence.

The student will no longer be afraid of the exam because he can already pass with a good grade.

Use special technologies and a repetition system

Taking up the textbook, it is important to immediately highlight all the terminology, facts, dates, formulas, and laws and write it down on the cards.

For example, on one side is a date, and on the other is a historical event. When the student learns them, the base will be ready, on which the remaining material will easily fall.

In addition, the cards allow you to quickly and conveniently repeat. In addition to them, you can draw mind maps – universal schemes, thanks to which it is easy to structure any information.

Ask a tutor for help

If the student can not cope on his own, you can seek help from a tutor. But it is important to understand that he should only guide the child, answer his questions, and help him understand complex topics, but in no case solve tasks for the student.

The more the tutor does for the student, the less independent he will be in the future.

Prepare for all exams at once

So that information on all subjects is not forgotten, you need to prepare in parallel.

You should focus on some important subject, but you should not forget about the rest – you must constantly repeat or solve various options for tasks.

The main task of the graduate is to build such a system so that most of the new information remains in the head and does not have to be studied again.

Thus, not only data is saved, but an enormous speed of information reproduction is developed.

Preparation should be completed 2-3 months before the exam, and then you just need to actively decide, repeat, and ask questions. This approach will help reduce stress.

This was all about the tips that are useful while preparing for your exams. We hope that you will surely use and implement them for your good performance.


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