My Hilarious First Bungee Jumping Experience



I was always interested in bungee jumping. I wanted to do it because of the thrill, and also because I like to try new things. The prospect of being able to jump off a bridge into a raging river without any fear did attract me a lot. Hence when I reached Rishikesh, a town by the Ganges and the place where the Himalayas begin, I really wanted to do this crazy stunt.

The beauty of the Place

The town of Rishikesh is a beautiful place and has great connectivity with Delhi. It’s an ideal place for people who want to go deep into their souls and calm down. Even though it is a Hindu pilgrimage site, one can find all sorts of people, including foreigners, meditating or doing yoga at the banks of the Ganges.

Bungee Jumping

First Visit to the Place

It was my first visit to Rishikesh and I was looking for some adventure which could be hard to find in this city. So I looked out for adventurous activities and came across this website that offered Bungee jumping in Rishikesh. I contacted them via email and they replied back with details, rates, etc. I also got a discount coupon which gave me an additional 15% discount on the package I had selected. The booking was easy and smooth as well.


I wanted to have a memorable experience so I decided to go for Tandem Jump. It is the most thrilling jump done from a crane-type structure with a partner holding you by your harness. This one is the only jump where you are connected to someone through your harness.

About Bunjee Jumping

Bungee jumping in Rishikesh is done at Shivananda Bhavana (the name of the institute where bungee jumping is organized), which is around a 10-15 mins drive from Laxman Jhula (the main bridge on the Ganges).

The atmosphere at Shivananda Bhavana is really good, peaceful, and calm. We were given a tour of the facility before we started the process of bungee jumping. We reached there and firstly they made us watch a video of how it works and what are the precautions that have to be taken care of before jumping.

Then they made us wear a harness which was tied around our legs, waist, and chest. They asked us whether we had any doubts or questions but none of us had any doubts or questions because most of that information was already given in the video. They also gave us a helmet. t was followed by our safety training session and briefing about how it will happen.

One thing that I had not taken into account, is how scary it is to jump off something so high. I kept on continuously looking down while I was climbing up, and when the time came, when they told me to jump, the first thing that popped into my mind was: “WHAT AM I DOING !!!” Even after the jump and you are flying through the air below, you can’t believe you actually did it.

The best way I could describe it is: You’re standing on a diving board and then all of a sudden you see a great big monster with two massive horns coming straight for your face! You try to run away but he is much faster than you and he catches up with you and then…he kisses you on the lips! It’s an indescribable feeling.

After jumping, we felt very proud of ourselves because we have conquered our fear of heights is a very adventurous way. The feeling of falling from such a height is very scary but when you reach down safely, then you feel like a superhero because you have achieved something great by conquering your fear of heights in such an adventurous way.

Overall Experience

The bungee jumping experience is the best thing that I have ever done in my life. The first time I did it was a big thrill for me. It was very adventurous and dangerous. I felt very excited when it happened and still now I feel so much happy that I took this decision to do this adventure sport.

It was an exhilarating experience. I remember those moments for a long time—the feeling of falling made a lasting impression on me as if the event changed me forever. Since then, I have bungee jumped again—this time from greater heights and in more extreme conditions. However, nothing beats the first jump for sheer excitement and adrenaline rush.


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