The Fabric Manufacturing Industry: Comparison Of Cotton And Linen


The Indian textile industry is a century-old sector in India. As a result, India is among the world’s largest fabric manufacturer countries. People all around the globe prefer Indian fabric owing to its high quality and handmade beauty.

India has some global-level fabric manufacturers that offer heavy ranges of materials like cotton, linen, silk, rayon, polyester, and so on. Among all of these, cotton and linen are major materials that India supplies all over the world. In today’s post, we would explore these two fabrics in the Indian textile industry along with their revolution in India and current market conditions.

Cotton fabric manufacturing

The industrial production of cotton fabric was in 1818. The first machinery was set up in Calcutta. During British rule, this industry was declining badly but after independence this industry got growth. Because when the British came into India, they had limited expertise in cotton because their preferred clothing fabrics were linen or wool. Cotton was only used for candle wicks by the British.

fabric manufacturers

Indian cotton was once originally thought to be a regal plant. Indian cotton had been as delicate as slightly damp and drew the attention of the entire globe. Cotton, however, does have to battle with synthetic textiles. Before industrial textile production, cotton manufacturing started in the Indus valley civilization.

Yet currently, Maharashtra and Gujarat are the two main cotton fabric manufacturers wherein Maharashtra solely holds 125 cotton mills. Apart from these two states, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, and the Rajasthan region are the center point of manufacturing.

Even after the revolution of industry production, India has great strength in the handloom cotton industry. Various factors contribute to the success of this industry like the availability of raw materials, high demand in the market due to weather conditions of India, and significant availability of affordable labour.

Currently, cotton contributes nearly ¾ part of the total Indian fabric industry. This fabric has grown rapidly in the last few years; almost double that before. As per the growth in the last few years, this industry will grow further to US $ 209 billion. India is accountable for almost more than half of the world’s total world contribution. Cotton fabric is famous for its handmade quality.

Line fabric manufacturing industry

Linen is mentioned several times in Indian sacred texts such as the Vedas, Puranas, and Upanishads, and in ancient texts for its elegance, sanctity, fineness, smoothness, and regal insignia. With scepticism, contemporary Indian historians acknowledged this reality. Several Indian historians disagree on whether the term “ksauma” denotes linen, silk, or cotton.

The Linen Indian textile industry existed before cotton fabric. Its production started during the stone age in India. Linen thrived on the Indian continent because it thrives effectively in both the mainland south and the northern soil. Clothes manufactured from this material were in demand by the richer members of society since making linen is somewhat more difficult than manufacturing other fibbers and textiles.

In India, Kochi is the main maker of line cloth and commodities the texture to notable worldwide brands. Presently, Aditya Birla is the largest linen fabric manufacturer in India.
During the 1970s, just a shocking 5% of the all-out material creation on the planet was utilized for making pieces of clothing by the style business in any case, that number expanded to 70% by the 1990s. The texture is presently in demand to make pretty much every type of Indian ethnic piece of clothing as it is incredibly adaptable.

In the past 5 years, this industry received a growth of 3 percent. It can grow further during the tenure of 2022 to 2027.


Cotton and linen are the real gems of the fabric world. Both fabrics are famous due to their versatile nature and smoothness. It allows a comfy level for the wearer and as a result, both materials are high in demand in the nation. That is why there is an explanation that India has some world’s top fabric manufacturers and the industry is growing up so fast. At the same rate, these industries would grow further.

As part of this industry, Fabriclore is also providing high-quality linen and cotton fabric with a heavy variety of raw materials and blends. Explore and buy whatever you want.


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