Top 10 Ways to Build a Positive School Culture


School culture encompasses the values, practices, and standards that everyone associated with the school follows. Some people think that the notion is not as crucial as academics or student performance. However, the truth is that a strong and positive school culture goes a long way in shaping the student’s attitudes. Moreover, an optimistic school culture also maintains higher energy amongst the staff. It, in turn, results in the overall productivity of the international school. Read below the top methods to attain a positive school culture in this account.

Top 10 Methods to Build a Positive Culture in School

We have mentioned the best ways to establish a positive and strong school culture. It is advantageous to the entire school community, and kindergarten school administrators should imbibe these points.

Principles and Regulations

Laying down strict rules and expecting students to follow them in school may be harsh. Instead, authorities should establish the reason behind the norms to achieve more clarity. If teachers can logically explain why the norms are set up, students will always abide by them.

Involvement of Parents

School administrators should involve parents in innovative ways, besides parent-teacher meetings. For example, you can arrange workshops or seminars exclusively for parents. In this way, the guardians will feel special and a part of the school community. Moreover, when parents have more interaction with the school, there are fewer chances of agitation in unpleasant circumstances.

Staff Development

Teachers are perhaps the most significant pillars of your school. Thus, school authorities should ensure their development professionally. One can arrange courses or related information for the teachers for their growth. This step will make the teachers feel valued, eventually leading to teacher retention.

Positive Discipline

Whenever we hear the term discipline, we immediately connect to anger and punishments. However, we remain unaware of the detrimental nature of such discipline. Instead of only pinpointing the faults, teachers should encourage students to improve. Nonetheless, discipline is mandatory, but the intention should be for an improvement, not punishment.

Celebration of Success

In continuity with the previous point, when a student shows commendable effort, teachers should appreciate it. In addition, authorities can also celebrate the success of teachers. Both students and teachers strive in their own ways to excel. Thus, the same should receive recognition for a healthy atmosphere.

Innovative Activities

Students enjoy physical activities, and teachers must think of newer methods to involve them. For example, you can arrange these activities around festival time to enhance the holiday mood. All teachers should participate in these as this strengthens the school community’s culture.

Comfortable Environment

Neither teachers nor students should not feel closed or uncomfortable in their surroundings. The classrooms are spaces where they spend most of the day. Thus, the rooms should be spacious and breathable, with proper lighting and temperature settings. Authorities should also consider the agility and curiosity of younger students while designing the classrooms.

Emotional Development

One of the crucial factors in strengthening the school culture is to make the students emotionally stronger. Besides academics, sports, and co-curricular activities, authorities should also arrange for this matter. Teachers should impart emotional learning to the students to improve their overall growth.

Welcoming Ideas

It would help if you encouraged parents, teachers, and other staff members to contribute ideas about the school’s development. A suggestion box goes a long way in inculcating this habit. Authorities should ensure regular checking of such comments and implement them within the capacity. Acknowledging the suggestion after incorporating it will also develop healthy relations.


One of the essential parameters for a positive school culture is to be open to changes. If you are the administrator of a kindergarten school, you must be flexible to make changes whenever required. You should regularly analyze their principles and values to check if any alterations are needed.

The approaches mentioned above can result in stronger and more positive school culture. Imbibing these methods in your international school shall improve students’ behavior with more support from teachers. Furthermore, the communicative skills and power of cooperation will increase in the entire school community.


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